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A Blogger Christmas! Winter Go 2s!

Hello everyone!! So I have some really exciting news! I am doing a series with a couple other bloggers called a Blogger Christmas! So basically we are all doing the same theme every week but each post will be different! So keep checking in every week for new blogger christmas posts!! So this weeks theme is Winter Go 2S! YAYYYY!!! So keep reading for my winter go 2s! (On a totally un related note my blog has decorated for christmas!!) Did you notice?! :)

A Christmas smelling candle!!!

Because I mean its not Christmas if it doesn't smell like christmas...

This one is my favorite smelling Christmas

candle and its Frasier FIR. By Thymes. And it smells like 45 Christmas trees!

A Good Lotion

Now winter is a time for dry skin and this is my favorite lotion of all time to use for winter, And my mom actually made it and I feel like I'm harder on her with her products than I am with anyone else, And I LOVE this body butter that she made! And the best part is that it has a bronzing effect with is really good for the winter! :D

A Good Lip Balm

I'm all about a lip balm that doesn't dry out your lips in the winter, And if you are looking for a great lip balm this is a really good one! Its basically lip gloss in a chapstick form :)

A Bath Bomb

Bath bomb! I know it sounds really weird but I found this life hack somewhere and it said that if you put a bath bomb in your clothes drawer it makes your clothes smell really good! And it works!


A Good pair of socks is a must have in the winter! And these are my favorite, Their from altered state :)

A Headband

A thick headband is my favorite thing to wear in the winter time! And my favorite thing about this one is that it has my monogram on it ;)


In the wintertime your skin drys out and your face drys out and a dry face is not good. So this is my favorite moisturizer to use in the winter :)


You Need a good scarf in the winter time! This one is from Kohls


This stuff smells like heaven on earth, This is new to bath and body and its fizzy lotion with sparkles and I have kinda been obsessed with it lately and I really don't know why :D


The last thing is christmas decorations!

I Hope you guys enjoyed this post if you are a blogger and would like to be apart of this post Contact me and let me know! Bellow are the other bloggers who are doing this with me!

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