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5 of my blogging tips

Hello everyone! First off I want to say I'm sorry that I didn't get my post up on Friday, Anyways! So a lot of you guys have been contacting me asking what my top blogging tips are. And I think even one of you asked that in my Q and A :) So here is a whole post dedicated to you guys! Now by no means am I a professional what so ever but these are little tips that I have picked up along the way and I want to share with you guys! So lets get into the post!

Write what you love to write! :)

Sometimes its really easy to worry about what others think and just write what you think that they want to see. For instance, doing a book review when you hate to read! :D So write what you love to write :) Because the main thing about blogging is having fun!

Let your personality shine through!

One of the keys to making your blog unique is to let your personality shine through. Like pretend that your talking to a group of your best friends when you type your post.

Reply to comments :)

Definitely reply to comments if you have a comment section because your viewers will look back for a reply and you can build a relationship with them that way :) Just make sure your reply is nice! :D

Bright and cherry blog design

I know that sounds weird but when I look at a blog that maybe has a hot pink zebra print background and has cluttered sidebars I have a hard time focusing on the actual blog post. So if you really want your posts to stand out try having a white or light grey background :)

Good quality pictures :)

This one is hard for me, and your pictures definitely don't have to look professional but having good lighting helps a lot so try taking pictures near a window or door :) And my room is pretty dark so I use a overhead lamp that bends for my pictures

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